Meet CBU’s Brand Ambassadors: Mya and Alyssa

Feb 16, 2021

It takes a special person to be passionate about Cape Breton University before ever becoming a student, and that’s what makes our CBU Brand Ambassadors, Mya Trimm and Alyssa Burke, so great! The Brand Ambassador program was launched in 2020 to help build connections with future students and their high school peers who are interested in learning more about what CBU has to offer.

Mya and Alyssa are grade 12 students from Sydney Academy and Riverview High School respectively, who will be joining CBU this fall. They can’t wait to start their university journey, and they’ve been spreading the word about just how excited they are. 

“The reason I became a CBU Brand Ambassador was to help my fellow students learn more about CBU,” explains Mya. “We’re so lucky to have a quality University in our backyard, and CBU gives students the opportunity to study in a welcoming, multicultural environment right here at home.” Mya says she’s known for a long time that CBU would be her future university, and says her parents have shared so many great stories about their time at CBU that she can’t wait to make memories of her own in the Bachelor of Arts Community Studies program. 

For Alyssa, being close to home was a definite bonus, but it was CBU’s Bachelor of Science program that called her to the University. “During my time in high school, I’ve enjoyed math, chemistry and music the most,” she explains. “CBU gives me the opportunity to major in chemistry or biology while having the chance to take music electives and continue exploring that passion.” 

The ambassadors say they know from personal experience how stressful choosing a university can be, and that having a representative of a similar age to answer questions can be really helpful. “With the use of social media, information is available at your fingertips,” says Mya. “And as students who are going through the exact same thing, we’re here to help make the experience even more accessible.”

Alyssa says being able to use social media in a professional setting has been a great experience. “As a teenager who uses social media frequently, it’s really fun to be able to use it for my job,” she explains. “It has taught me a lot about what people like to see online, how to reach your target audiences and how to measure success.”

Mya and Alyssa both look forward to in-person classes when public health protocols allow, and are excited to meet their new classmates and professors on campus. If you’d like to join them, visit to start your University journey. 

If you have any questions along the way, be sure to follow Mya and Alyssa on Instagram to stay up to date on the exciting things happening at CBU including virtual events, deadlines and more.