CBU Welcomes Dr. Ramaswamy, Secretary of MCET to Campus

Jun 05, 2018

Visit from Dr. Ramaswamy

Today Dr. Ramaswamy, Secretary of Dr. Mahalingam College of Engineering and Technology (MCET) in India, visited Cape Breton University to discuss the growing partnership between CBU and MCET with President & Vice-Chancellor David C. Dingwall.
MCET, located in Pollachi, Coimbatore District of India, will deliver the first two years of CBU’s Bachelor of Engineering Technology (ELEC) program in India, with the final year or two to be completed at CBU.
The partnership will continue to foster the strong research links between the two institutions. Over the years, CBU Professor of Chemistry Dr. Allen Britten has visited the MCET campus to discuss student and faculty exchanges as well as research projects related to renewable energy. Currently, two MCET faculty members are spending the summer conducting research at the Versc huren Centre.
Dr. Ramaswamy has been associated with the NIA Educational Institutions for more than four decades and was the Founding Principal of MCET. His core values of equity, creativity, teamwork and environmental sustainability align with CBU’s mission to achieve academic and research excellence through partnerships such as this.
Following their visit with President Dingwall, Dr. Ramaswamy and his wife met with Minister of Municipal Affairs, Derek Mombourquette and received a tour of the Verschuren Centre from CEO Dr. Beth Mason.