CBU to Celebrate 2018 Spring Convocation
Cape Breton University will celebrate the success of more than 700 graduates with a Spring Convocation ceremony held Saturday, May 12, 2018, at the Canada Games Complex at 2:00 p.m.
The Spring 2018 Class Valedictorian, Emma Flynn from Baddeck, NS, will graduate with her Bachelor of Arts degree and says, “To be chosen as Valedictorian is always such an honour, but to be chosen as the Valedictorian for Cape Breton University is even more so. I am so humbled and excited to be chosen to represent such a diverse group of students at such a remarkable institution. Cape Breton University is the embodiment of Cape Breton, but it represents so much more than that. CBU maintains such a strong feeling of community and provides students with a sense of belonging. I am venerated to be able to speak on behalf of the 2018 graduating class and to represent the university that I have grown to call my second home.”
The graduating class, made up of students from more than 40 countries, will receive their degrees, diplomas and certificates from Chancellor Annette Vershuren. For the first time, students were given the option of requesting their parchments in a variety of languages, including French, Gaelic and Mi’kmaw.
“Over the years, Cape Breton University has evolved to meet the needs of learners from Cape Breton Island, across Canada and around the globe,” says President and Vice-Chancellor David C. Dingwall. “As the world changed, so did CBU, ensuring students graduate fully capable of creating their own success. As graduates of CBU, these individuals will be well-prepared to inspire new ideas, overcome challenges, and contribute with lasting impact.”
Cape Breton University will confer the degree Doctor of Letters, honoris causa, on a woman who has dedicated her life to the preservation and evolution of musical culture, and is a true Canadian icon in her profession, Ms Lydia Adams. Cape Breton University will also confer the degree Doctor of Laws, honoris causa, on a man who has dedicated his life’s work to the financial sector on a national scale, Mr. William Downe.
For those who are not able to attend the ceremony on Saturday, it will be available via live-stream beginning at 2 p.m. at www.cbu.ca.
Well-wishers can send congratulatory messages to grads via social media using #CBUgrad18 or on Snapchat by sending snaps to cbuniversity.